Friday, December 21, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 3 Episode 11 - Christmas Time
Merry Christmas from Firmament Films and the Rewatchmen.
Ben and T.C. have a rewatch of the classic Charlie Brown Christmas, offer up presents of NEWS and TRAILERS! And the fans speak out about their favorite holiday films.
Listen Here, or click HERE to download.
And don't forget to visit the Rewatchmen at their new home
Thursday, December 13, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 3 Episode 10 - Pan's Labyrinth
Not afraid to read their movies, the Rewatchmen sit down for a viewing of Guillermo del Toro's 2006 fairy tale. Plus, news on Anchorman 2, Jumanji, and Clerks III, trailer trash on Star Trek Into Darkness, and talking DEAD! And the fan forum delves into childhood.
Listen below, or click HERE to download to your fancy ZUNE.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
the Rewatchmen - Season 3 Episode 9 - Oceans Eleven
Firmament Films presents the REWATCHMEN! Back from Thanksgiving break, here's your weekly movie podcast. A bad mic won't stop the guys from offering up a healthy dose of news and trailers, a look back on George Clooney and Brad Pitt steal stufff in style, and the FAN FORUM!
Listen below or click HERE to download!
Monday, November 5, 2012
the Rewatchmen - Season 3 Episode 8 - Disney's Star Wars
Ben and T.C. discuss, what else? Star Wars. Let the revolution begin!
Listen below or download by clicking HERE!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
the Rewatchmen - Season 3 Episode 7 - Trick 'r Treat
Firmament Films presents your weekly dose of movie news, including Mary Jane for Amazing Spider-Man 2, the Expenda-belles, and the Walking Dead; with trailer trash on Movie 43, and a long discussion on the state of comedy; plus, T.C.'s rewatch of Trick 'r Treat. And the fans dish out their most terrifying movie experiences.
Listen below or download and take the Rewatchmen with you by clicking HERE.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 3 Episode 6 - Next
Firmament Film presents The Rewatchmen, you weekly movie news and review podcast.
Appealing to Ben's "love" Nicolas Cage, tonight, the Rewatchmen take a look at the 2007 sci-fi supposed action film "Next". Is this a movie that will have us wishing we had the ability to look into the future and see how bad this movie will be?
Plus, News, Trailers, and the Fan Forum.
Listen below or, y'know, donload this bad boy by clicking HERE.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 3 Episode 5 - LOST
It's amazing! Neither Ben nor T.C. prepared anything for this week's 'cast, and somehow, they still managed to create a 3 hour recording!
Enjoy Trailers (The Lone Ranger and The Croods)
News (Scarlet Johannson in Captain America 2)
A look at the FALL TV line-up (Revolution and Ned and Stacy?... No, Bill and Ted... No... It's something with two names... and the Mindy Project and Person of Interest.
A spoiler filled conversation about Looper (skip to 1:11:13 to avoid those spoilers!!!)
And our main topic of the day: LOST! Get to it folks. Listen below or click HERE to download it. Either way, enjoy!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 3 Episode 4 - Kung Fu Hustle
Tonight, we take a re-watch of Stephen Chow's 2004 kung fu comedy. Plus news, trailers, and the fans speak out about their most hated films.
Listen below, or click HERE to download to your fancy dancy itunes.
Listen below, or click HERE to download to your fancy dancy itunes.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 3 Episode 3 - News, Trailers, and TDKR
No movie re-review this week, but a fine helping of movie news, including Avatar, Star Trek 2, and Y: the Last Man.
PLUS! T.C.'s FINAL WORD on the Dark Knight Rises
Listen below or click HERE to download!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 3 Episode 2 - Jumanji
This week, Ban and T.C. go back to 1995 once again to see if the board game come to life genre began with an illustrated book come to life as a movie about a fictional game that comes to life and then there's time travel and a lion and some monkey and you know what, no one ever reads these things. Have a listen, folks.
Or click HERE to DOWNLOAD to iTUNES!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 3 Episode 1 - Goldeneye
The Rewatchmen return for season 3 with OODLES of movie fun! News, Trailers, Ben's Summer wrap-up, a Fall preview, special guest Matt, fan comments, and a rewatch of Pierce Brosnan's first outing as Bond in Goldeneye. Kick back and relax to this jumbo-sized Rewatchmen!
Listen here or click HERE to download to your iTunes.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 2 Episode 17 - Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle
Can't let those Wisconsin boys have all the summer fun! Once again, the
Rewatchmen takes it to the open road towards the great Pacific Northwest
to reunite with a few childhood friends, Michael and Kyla, for a
discussion about Asian-Americans in film. Tune in for an hour of
mystery, intrigue, and social uprising!
Listen below or click HERE to download to your fancy iTunes!
Listen below or click HERE to download to your fancy iTunes!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 2 - Episode 16 - The 'Burbs

After a long summer hiatus, the Rewatchmen return for a summer movie wrap-up and a classically 80's dark comedy vacation flick "the Burb's". We discuss the superheroes, the bombs, and a whole lotta Tom Hanks. Listen below or click HERE to download to your fancy iTunes!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 2 Episode 15 - Insomnia
The Rewatchmen, Christopher Nolan fanoboys thru-n-thru, sit down for the oft-forgotten 2002 "Insomnia", starring Al Pacino, Robin Williams, and Hillary Swank. Find out if their unapologetic love for the Dark Knight Rises director survives the re-review.
Plus NEWS featuring Iron Man 3, Lobo ad DC Nation, Mel Gibson, Gina Carano, and more.
And then, hear an in-depth conversation regarding the upcoming Dark Knight Rises and Nolan himself.
review starts at 1:08:02
Nolan Talk starts at 1:44:58
Listen below or click HERE to download the episode to itunes.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 2 Episode 14 - Summer Movie Preview
This week, the Rewatchmen sit have a little chat about the good, the bad, and the ugly films to look forward to this coming Summer movie season. Hear what Ben and T.C. have to say about the Avengers, Batman, Snow White, Brave, LOL, and more!
Listen here below, or click HERE to get this bad boy on your itunes!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 2 Episode 13 - Hard Boiled
Ben takes this lead this week on a childhood favorite, John Woo's 1992 "Hard Boiled". Learn how this Hong Kong action flick influenced action movies of today.
Plus NEWS! featuring stories about Sin City 2, Carrie, Mister Toad's Wild Ride, and George Washington Werewolf Hunter? Listen below, or click HERE to download to itunes!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 2 Episode 12 - Goodfellas
Back together after a short break, we just couldn't keep our excitement from making this a bit of a long cast, so to make things easier, I broke it into two parts. Part One is the news and Trailers, where we discuss current movie buzz about Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, Anchorman 2, and get reactions from the crew about Prometheus, Total Recall, and Ted.
You can DOWNLOAD this part of the Episode by clicking HERE! And why wouldn't you?
News is out the gate, Trailer Trash starts at 1:00:40
And now for the Rewatch - Today, we discuss the masterpiece Goodfellas. Hear how Ben, Mike, Steve and T.C. feel about chicken fingers and the rise and fall of Henry Hill.
Then, at 40:30, celebrate the One Year Anniversary of the podcast! Click HERE to DOWNLOAD this second half of the cast! And seriously, why would you not?
You can DOWNLOAD this part of the Episode by clicking HERE! And why wouldn't you?
News is out the gate, Trailer Trash starts at 1:00:40
And now for the Rewatch - Today, we discuss the masterpiece Goodfellas. Hear how Ben, Mike, Steve and T.C. feel about chicken fingers and the rise and fall of Henry Hill.
Then, at 40:30, celebrate the One Year Anniversary of the podcast! Click HERE to DOWNLOAD this second half of the cast! And seriously, why would you not?
Saturday, March 17, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 2 Episode 11 - Dogma
T.C. sits down with Chad and new friend of the 'cast Jason to not only discuss the 1999 Kevin Smith film Dogma, but to dissect the man himself from Clerks to Smodcasting. How do these once proud fanboys feel about the irreverent Smith now? Hear for yourself. With NEWS on Community's return, Green Hornet 2, and Muppets raping Kurt Cobain and Trailer Trash for Total Recall and Dark Shadows. Review begins at 37:32.
And don't forget that you can download this bad boy to itunes by clicking HERE!
And don't forget that you can download this bad boy to itunes by clicking HERE!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 2 Episode 10 - The Fifth Element
T.C. and Chad have a rewatch of the 1997 Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovich sci-fi action flick written and directed by Luc Besson. Considered by some to be a fabulous film, considered by others to be a juvenile shallow waste of time. Let's see where the Rewatchmen land on that scale.
Plus NEWS, Trailer Trash, and the Chipmunks?
Review starts at 39:48
To DOWNLOAD the EPISODE to your itunes, go to the SHOW PAGE or click HERE!
Plus NEWS, Trailer Trash, and the Chipmunks?
Review starts at 39:48
To DOWNLOAD the EPISODE to your itunes, go to the SHOW PAGE or click HERE!
Monday, February 27, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 2 Episode 9 - The Crow
T.C., Steve, and Mike rewatch and discuss the cult hit The Crow, directed by Alex Proyas and starring the late Brandon Lee. How does this favorite among the clad in black, guy-line wearing, sorta goth, sorta emo types hold up after all these years?
Plus NEWS on Community returns and MORE.
Review starts at 32:44. ENJOY!
And to download, click HERE!
Plus NEWS on Community returns and MORE.
Review starts at 32:44. ENJOY!
And to download, click HERE!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 2 Episode 8 - Blade Runner
A full crew joins us today for a rewatch of the 1982 Ridley Scott directed, Harrison Ford and Rutger Hauer starring sci-fi classic. Considered by many to be the greatest sci-fi film of all time. Does it live up to all that hype?
Plus NEWS and TRAILER TRASH. Review starts at 58:13, and my deepest apologies for the shoddy audio for the review portion. There were microphone issues.
To DOWNLOAD the episode to your itunes, go to the SHOW PAGE and click DOWNLOAD EPISODE.
Plus NEWS and TRAILER TRASH. Review starts at 58:13, and my deepest apologies for the shoddy audio for the review portion. There were microphone issues.
To DOWNLOAD the episode to your itunes, go to the SHOW PAGE and click DOWNLOAD EPISODE.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 2 Episode 7 - Akira
The Rewatchmen are turning Japanese this week with a rewatch of the 1988 groundbreaking cult classic Akira. Enjoy some news and trailer trash before we tackle this achievement in animation. Will we be kind, or has this movie not stood the test of time? How does it stand up against the recent Chronicle among other sci-fi gems? And for those whining about our news and trailer segment, the review starts at 45:00. Oh, and Candy burns the house down.
And to DOWNLOAD the episode, go HERE, to the SHOW PAGE and click Download Episode right there at the bottom.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 2 Episode 6 - James and the Giant Peach
Before we delve into one of Candace's childhood favorites "James and the Giant Peach", the Rewatchmen discuss NEWS, TRAILERS, and those 2011 OSCAR nominations. The James discussion starts at 1:00:20 for those who don't wish to hear about the news.
And to DOWNLOAD the episode, go HERE, to the SHOW PAGE and click Download Episode right there at the bottom. Boom.
And to DOWNLOAD the episode, go HERE, to the SHOW PAGE and click Download Episode right there at the bottom. Boom.
Monday, January 23, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 2 Episode 5 - Batman Returns
Ben and T.C. back together for a great discussion of the 1992 Tim Burton "Batman Returns"
And of course, NEWS, trailers, and - that's not all! The guys 2011 Top Ten Lists! So, sit back and enjoy the 'cast.
For your convenience, here are the time codes for each section:
News and Trailers - at the beginning, y'all!
Batman Returns Re-review - 27:00
2011 TOP 10 - 1:08:19
PLUS!! Candy finally gets inducted into the crew as an official Rewatchman!
Listen here, or go to the SHOW PAGE and DOWNLOAD to your itunes!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 2 Episode 4 - The Matrix
Ben hits the open road towards the promise land of PORTLAND, OR! Joined by some very dear old friends, Michael & Eric, the gang discusses perception, alternate realities, and free will vs. fate, all generated by the high-flying, sci-fi classic, The Matrix.
Send this bad boy to your itunes! CLICK HERE to go to the SHOW'S PAGE, and then click DOWNLOAD EPISODE.
Send this bad boy to your itunes! CLICK HERE to go to the SHOW'S PAGE, and then click DOWNLOAD EPISODE.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
The Rewatchmen - Season 2 Episode 3 - Apocalypse Now
With the real apocalypse drawing near, T.C. is joined by independent film maker Steve Abrahim to discuss Francis Ford Coppola 1979 "Apocalypse Now".
And hey, don't want to listen here? CLICK THIS LINK to the 'cast's page, scroll to the bottom, and CLICK DOWNLOAD EPISODE to send this bad boy to your itunes. Boom.
And hey, don't want to listen here? CLICK THIS LINK to the 'cast's page, scroll to the bottom, and CLICK DOWNLOAD EPISODE to send this bad boy to your itunes. Boom.
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